If 2020 has taught us anything, your digital brand means more in this very moment than at any other time.  As companies, brands, and individuals are now tasked with a whole new world of being able to connect in rapid time.  This is called the credibility gap.

The credibility gap is that moment when a potential customer, investor, business partner is making a decision to call or do business with you.  They go to their smartphone or tablet, type into Google, then what appears and doesn’t appear is the credibility gap!

In business, it is not the business lost that you know about that is the issue.  It is the business you have never had an opportunity to compete for.  To have them see firsthand who you are and the problems you solve.  You never get a chance to tell your story.  It is that business that matters the most.

Digital Transformation is not about “black hat techniques” or SEO.  Digital transformation for most businesses or individuals is a series of critical but missing steps.  Let’s start first with the definition of digital transformation:

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. It’s also a cultural change that requires organizations to continually challenge the status quo, experiment, and get comfortable with failure. This transformation is less about what you “want” and is predicated on what the customer or market is craving.  

Start with the basics, leverage what you can control:

  1. You need to be on 5 social media platforms using your name (as a individual), not your company.  You haven’t established yourself as a brand as of yet.
  2. You need to be producing minimum 1 piece of original content everyday.
  3. Use the SEO leverage of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
  4. Videos. 80% of the daily content consumed online is in video form. Get comfortable.
  5. Stick to business, even though it is under your name.
  6. Even though people love videos, content is still king.  Whether you sell a tangible good or service, in the end, Google and the consumer loves to see that you have relevant content.
  7. Google My Business.  I will go through GMB in future posts. However, Google My Business is one of the most powerful tools out there, and it is free!  You can do more for your business and brand with GMB.

Remember, if you are in the eCommerce space, you cannot and you will never compete with Amazon, for example.  Those “organic” search terms you want to be a part of are not relevant regardless of your industry (even if Amazon isn’t a competitor, I mention them as an example of the “biggest competitor in your space).  However, here is the advantage you have over Amazon: they will never compete with your name.  Win the Google war by owning every possible piece of real estate online with your name.  There is ZERO competition.  However, it guarantees you bridge the credibility gap.  You may be asking, what can digital transformation do for a larger company? With IT staff and process?  We will break down the elements of digital transformation for companies and entities that are looking to scale.  

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